I wanted to take a moment to discuss the benefits of a Schluter shower system compared to a Red Gard shower system.
As you may know, Schluter offers a comprehensive shower system that is designed to provide superior performance and longevity. Here are just a few of the benefits of using a Schluter shower system:
1. Waterproofing: Unlike traditional Liquid Membrane shower systems, Schluter provides complete waterproofing for your shower. This is achieved through the use of Schluter Kerdi waterproofing membrane and Schluter Kerdi board, which are designed to create a watertight seal that protects against leaks.
On the other hand, Red Guard is a liquid-applied membrane used for waterproofing showers. Although it can provide a layer of waterproofing, it is not a complete system like Schluter, and can be less effective over time. Red Guard can be prone to cracking or separation from the substrate, which can allow moisture to seep through. I also challenge you to find a repeatable answer on how thick Red Gard needs to be when applied. It seems every site has a different opinion on how thick is "good enough". Do you want your shower left to "good enough" or do you want assurance that it exceeds the TCNA standards by providing a warrantied waterproof system?
2. Vapor Retardant: The Schluter system provides a vapor retardant, which prevents moisture from accumulating in the wall and floor cavities. This can help prevent mold growth and protect against potential water damage.
3. Durability: The Schluter system is made from high-quality materials that are designed to last. The Schluter Kerdi board is made from a lightweight, yet incredibly durable material that resists impact and can withstand high traffic.
4. Customization: Schluter offers a range of customization options, so you can create a shower system that is tailored to your specific needs. From drains to waterproofing to shower benches, Schluter has everything you need to create a shower that is functional, beautiful, and long-lasting.
Overall, a Schluter shower system offers a range of benefits that simply cannot be matched by traditional Red Guard shower systems and this is why we believe 100% in the Schluter system. If you're interested in learning more about the benefits of a Schluter shower system, please don't hesitate to reach out to us for more information.

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